Wednesday, December 2, 2009

hought the problem was gone
But it wasn't so...

Break up to make up is all people seem to do.

k together...
They never stay together simply bc nothing
Is ever resolved
The problems are brushed under the bed
Then everyone is confused because they t
of telling each other
They call firends and talk to specialist and confide in weed

Break up to make up
Is what people seem to do
But when they get bac

m to do
Then they cry themselves to sleep or drink their pain away
Because no one has the guts to call the other to say "I'm sorry, I was wrong"
Break up to make is all people seem to do.
Eachone playing the victim
Eachone perfectly sure its the others fault.

Break up to make up is all people see

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Love and Truth

To love is to let go knowing that one day the heart will allow a powerful friendship.
To be in love is to be afraid to let go
Because you're next breath won't be the same without them.

the honest u

We met and I must admit
He took my breath away
Everything about him was my eyes
It was like I prayed and the heavens above said
"I've collected all your tears, your moments of weakness, your thoughts, your dreams and
Created this just for you."
Skin as smooth as velour, eyes as bright as day.
Laughter and joy is what he brought
Nope I didn't mind his company at all.
So why do I have this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach
Why is it that when ever I see him now it rains
The lesson I have learned about the people in my life
Where there is good there is bad
Everything that goes up will come down
I know it's kinda fucked up
But the truth is
I can't befriend you now.
I hope you're happy and I hope you accomplish what you wish
A fake chick would lie
A half step chick would pretend
A real chick would back out, while she still can maintain her ground
I believe in second chances but I would be lying if I said I was comfortable with this.

You do it For me

Everything from your smile to the way you say my name
Everything from your clothes to the way you do your hair
I'm so happy you do it for me
Kiss me there
Hold me anywhere
You do it for me
When i feel like the world is against me
You're there
You're here
And if you had any questions
Any thoughts
Or any crazy idea that i was leaving
Baby I would never
Simply because

ooo la la

I find myself thinking of him more than i know i should
Anticipating his phone call, text or email
Rushing to the phone every time it makes a sound
Hoping that its him offering a few moments of his day just to say hey there
We both have someone we love but can't help enter locking our emotions and thoughts
And rubbing our kisses mixed with brief get-aways to a place that we wanna believe will fill our emptiness
Creating this heat that will eventually turn into a fire that somehow won't let us get burned
Then we lay next to one another trying to feel some kind of regret...but the truth is...we don't
But if we wouldn't matter because for this he touches my walls and start writing his name on every moan our mind takes us to a planet known to us as "La La"A planet I'm sure we've all visited a time or two before
The planet that's made of the things our brains are suppose to tell your lips
At this moment on this planet"Lets not" was on my mind but it didn't come out the way i planned
It flowed more like a stutter a discontinuation of words that somehow forgot how to do their job
So my lips never the message intended for his ears to hear instead there he was baring witness to my mind and body constantly disagree on whats right and what feels right
As he searched and searched and wrote his story, i came as i started to read it
ooo la la